Senator Thatcher Calls for Setting Aside Partisan Politics During Coronavirus Crisis

SALEM, OR —March 13, 2020 State Senator Kim Thatcher (R-Keizer), released the following statement related to the COVID-19 state and national emergency:

“There are moments in our lifetimes when we must do what’s best for our families, our neighbors, and our communities and set aside our differences – this is one of those moments. The Coronavirus crisis has been challenging for everyone to varying degrees, but we are all human beings, Americans, and Oregonians first and foremost.

In times like this, partisan politics should be set aside and we should unite in a non-partisan way to support our state and national leaders including the Governor and the President. When national emergencies strike Americans and Oregonians rally. That’s what we do. When the 9/11 terrorist attacks happened, we put away our political rhetoric and pulled out our compassion for one another.

Diverse viewpoints often provide robust debate for our democratic melting pot in the US. But there are occasions like the present that we need to rise above the usual finger-pointing and hyperbole. It is time to focus on what unites us, not what divides us. We must concentrate on flattening the curve of this dangerous disease to protect the health of Oregon’s families and our state’s economy. 

We should listen to the designated experts on the COVID-19 outbreak at the Oregon Health Authority and the Centers for Disease Control. *

As a mother, a grandmother, and someone with senior relatives, I share the concerns many people have. We should all place safety first and take care of ourselves, our loved ones and friends to ensure they stay healthy and practice good personal hygiene. 

Canceling events isn’t fun for anyone, and my campaign schedule will be impacted in the coming weeks out of an abundance of caution for all involved. Please listen to guidance from the health experts when it comes to social distancing or additional measures to protect yourself and others. 

My goal here isn’t to convey panic but to ask people to set aside our disagreements and exercise more civility, grace, and kindness. COVID-19 can be a deadly virus. It is also a non-partisan virus. It strikes people regardless of their political affiliation.

I hope fellow elected officials across Oregon will join me in doing away with the non-productive, partisanship so we can do what’s best for our families, and our business community to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Just as with 9/11 we can rise about this crisis and live-on, hopefully, stronger as a state and a nation.”


*Here are links to state and local websites for more about Coronavirus precautions, closures, and other important information:

Oregon Health Authority

Centers for Disease Control


Reagan Knopp