Big Money Corporate Special Interests have Pressured Kate Brown to Reopen Senior Facilities while Covid Cases in Oregon are Climbing!

Senior Facilities In Oregon Open Back Up on November 2nd!

Yet we’re seeing new outbreaks of Covid-19 at nursing homes this week in Oregon: OUTBREAK AT TIMBER TOWN LIVING Senior Facility

Senior Facilities like Timber Town Living where the new Covid outbreak is happening right now are donors to OCHA who then donates to Shemia!

OCHA PAC - Timber Town Living.png

We need Senator Kim Thatcher to AUDIT these senior facilities for their response to Covid-19 and to hold them accountable for how they spend our tax dollars.

Kim will work to protect Oregon Seniors from people profiteering from senior living facilities!

We can’t trust Shemia Fagan because she’s bought and paid for by the people who profit from the system!

Public Campaign Finance Records Show those same Big Money interests have given Shemia Fagan over $50,000 to buy her silence.


  • Over 90% of Oregon Senior Facilities Receive Medicaid Funding from Oregon’s budget. It’s a tax on Seniors that raises $140 MILLION a biennium, with no public scrutiny: LEARN MORE

  • The Oregon Health Care Association (OHCA) raises millions of dollars every election to buy politicians who won’t question their spending or performance. LEARN MORE

  • OHCA has given Kate Brown $212K in Campaign Cash – leverage to make her reopen senior facilities while public schools and businesses remain closed. LEARN MORE

  • OHCA has given Shemia Fagan $64K in Campaign Cash – ensuring she’ll never do a deep dive audit about Covid-19 outbreaks and where our Medicaid tax money is going. LEARN MORE

  • OHCA’s lobbyist makes over a MILLION DOLLARS a year from OUR TAX DOLLARS per Guidestar Nonprofit Tax Filings. SEARCH ON GUIDESTAR

Oregon Seniors Deserve Better.

 By November 3rd, vote for Kim Thatcher to restore Accountability, Transparency, and Integrity to state government…….and keep our Seniors SAFE!