Kim Thatcher Announces Campaign to Become Oregon’s Next Secretary of State
For Immediate Release
State Senator unveils plans for republican primary race before large Timber Unity rally at State Capitol
Kim Thatcher announces her campaign for Secretary of State on the steps of the Capitol during the Timber Unity Rally on Feb 6.
(Salem) February 6, 2020 — “I believe every Oregonian deserves a state government that is a good steward of your tax dollars and that every elected official in Oregon must be accountable, transparent, and honest with taxpayers.” That was one of the key messages State Senator Kim Thatcher (R-Keizer) delivered to a crowd of hundreds of people in Salem Thursday as she launched her campaign to become Oregon’s next Secretary of State.
Karl Dettwyler, owner Blue Line Farms in Silverton, talks with Kim Thatcher at Timber Unity Rally Feb 6
The 55-year old Thatcher was a featured speaker at the huge Timber Unity convoy and rally held on the steps of the State Capitol Thursday. Senator Thatcher told the audience her campaign will be very similar to her track record in the Oregon Legislature. “I have fought hard in the legislature for government accountability, transparency, and integrity.”
“Making her announcement to run for this statewide race means a lot to the Oregonians at the rally because they came from every corner of the state to be a part of this amazing experience,” said Angelita Sanchez from Sweet Home, one of the founding members of Timber Unity.
The rally was held to protest the Cap and Trade legislation. Senator Thatcher feels the legislature should refer the measure to the ballot. “Some lawmakers think you all aren’t smart enough to decide for yourselves on whether a Cap and Trade tax like Senate Bill 1530 is a good idea or not, so they don’t think you should have a right to vote on it. So why are they trying to quickly shove it through a rushed, and rigged short session?!”
The three main divisions of the Secretary of State’s Office include audits, elections, and corporations. Thatcher pointed out a billion dollar court judgment and other problems at the Oregon Forestry Department make the agency ripe for an audit, “Counties needlessly lost revenue, people needlessly lost jobs and our rural economy was hurt” said Thatcher to the rally participants.
“We appreciate Kim’s concern for rural Oregon’s natural resource economy and the people who depend on it for their livelihood and to raise their families,” added Sanchez. Thatcher was elected to the House of Representatives in 2005 and was re-elected five times. In 2015 voters sent her to the Senate and was she was re-elected in 2018. The Senator started her own small road construction related businesses over 25 years ago.