Who’s Really Trying To BUY the Secretary of State’s Office for Shemia Fagan?

Public Records show 90% of Shemia Fagan’s donors are BIG MONEY Special Interests.

❌ Shemia has out-raised Senator Thatcher 3 to 1 because of big dollar donations from Special Interests

❌ Over 30% of Shemia’s Money comes from out-of-state groups trying to buy our elections.

❌ Shemia has been bought off by Kate Brown’s $50K dollars…right as Kate Brown expands her Covid powers until 2021!


✅ Kim Thatcher has raised 99% of her campaign donations from LOCAL Oregonians.

✅ Over 2,000 individuals have made contributions as small as $5 to support Kim.

✅ Kim has raised money from individual public employees who OPPOSE their unions trying to buy Shemia off!

 Which Candidate do YOU want in charge of honest, transparent elections?

The Choice is Clear: Vote KIM THATCHER for Secretary of State!