Who’s Really Trying To BUY the Secretary of State’s Office for Shemia Fagan?
Public Records show 90% of Shemia Fagan’s donors are BIG MONEY Special Interests.
❌ Shemia has out-raised Senator Thatcher 3 to 1 because of big dollar donations from Special Interests
❌ Over 30% of Shemia’s Money comes from out-of-state groups trying to buy our elections.
❌ Shemia has been bought off by Kate Brown’s $50K dollars…right as Kate Brown expands her Covid powers until 2021!
✅ Kim Thatcher has raised 99% of her campaign donations from LOCAL Oregonians.
✅ Over 2,000 individuals have made contributions as small as $5 to support Kim.
✅ Kim has raised money from individual public employees who OPPOSE their unions trying to buy Shemia off!
Which Candidate do YOU want in charge of honest, transparent elections?